TL:DR: Face-to face, hybrid, and remote teaching all have their respective challenges. Bringing work home seems to be a part of the job as an educator. Set boundaries for yourself and dedicate time for yourself and your self-care. Prioritizing self-care is a necessary component of your time management plan. When the option to choose remote teaching versus in person, I … Read More
Using an X-Y Approach To Manage Tasks
TL;DR: The X-Y Approach can help you to communicate with others about which tasks should be a priority. When asked to take on a new task, use the X-Y Approach by saying, “I can start working on X. But that is going to take away from my time to work on Y. Can you let me know which is more … Read More
Using the 10/100/1,000 Exercise to Improve Your Time Management
Jeff Gargas discusses how to use the “10/100/1,000” exercise to improve your time management. [scroll down to keep reading] Time management has always been an issue with me. The line between what’s important and what is essential can oftentimes become so blurry. A few months ago, a friend of mine recommended the High Performance Planner by Brendon Burchard. This … Read More
6 Tips for Time Management
TL;DR: Time is a gift. Time is constant. Everyone has the same amount of time in a day. There are 6 P’s to time management with related tips: Prioritize your list by making a T-chart with must-do and want to do tasks, Plan breaks or chunk tasks, Play before you work, Procrastinate no more, Perfectionism and letting go, and spend 30 minutes … Read More
Strategies for Managing Your To-Do Lists
TL;DR: Many people find their to-do lists turning into a pile of sticky notes. Go beyond sticky notes to keep track of your to-do lists. Schedule your events in Google Calendar, keep a notebook close by, and set alarms for reminders. This post includes an example of an organizer to use for managing your tasks. In March 2020, the lines … Read More