Small Shifts for a Short Week

Suzanne DaileyTeach Happier Podcast

2 super short shifts for a super short week – palms up and doublet breathing. This can help our hurried minds and hearts during a short AND busy time! MORE EPISODES

The Power of Quiet Thanks

Suzanne DaileyBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Show thanks in a quiet and more personal way. Consistently sharing genuine thanks with those around us can help us feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. Expressing gratitude helps people feel more connected. Make a plan to share. Season of Giving Thanks November is a time when we take a careful … Read More

The Power of Quiet Thanks

Suzanne DaileyTeach Happier Podcast

During this season of gratitude and abundance, we are invited to quietly express thanks to those who contribute to our happiness at work and at home. MORE EPISODES

Take Care of Tomorrow’s You TODAY

Suzanne DaileyTeach Happier Podcast

In this episode, we redefine “self-care” as a way to gently and generously take care of ourselves. We consider small shifts in actions we can do TODAY that will help us feel cared for TOMORROW.   MORE EPISODES