129: Be 200% In. – Jen Molitor chats with us about choosing to embrace all the things thrown at you every day, following your heart, and believing that all kids deserve to learn.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 Gifted intervention specialist, instructional coach, and author, Jen Molitor, chats with us about choosing to embrace all the things thrown at you every day, following your heart, and believing that all kids deserve to learn. Jen talks about deciding to love your job, being 200% in, and reconnecting with your why. Episode Highlights 0:33 – Shoutout to Katie Alvarez. … Read More

128: Video games, dad jokes, and higher education. – Dr. Matthew Barr chats with us about his research with video games, creating a work-based element in higher education, and telling too many dad jokes.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Video games have really exploded in the last two decades, with dozens of games released every quarter and new players looking up a MAME roms pack in order to play the classics. Whether these are new gamers, or experienced ones, there is always a variety of choices on the market to suit their needs. It is also easy to find … Read More

127: Impact beyond the classroom. – Toney Jackson chats with us about making an impact beyond your classroom, exploring everything in education, and why he thinks now is one of the  most exciting times to be a teacher.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 4th grade teacher, poet, and author, Toney Jackson, chats with us about making an impact beyond your classroom, exploring everything in education, and why he thinks now is one of the most exciting times to be a teacher. Toney shares how he brings his passions into his classroom, how we can accept criticism and use it to be better, … Read More

126: Finding the fun in teaching. – Adam Renard chats with us about bringing others with you on the adventure, finding the fun in your content, and creating experiences kids love.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 Adam Renard chats with us about bringing others with you on the adventure, finding the fun in your content, and creating experiences kids love. Adam shares how to make things more fun, the  power of relationships, and why love is a choice. Episode Highlights 1:52 – Chatting about Rae going to the AIMS Network Institute. 6:53 – Previewing the … Read More

125: Chief Cheerleader of Teaching – Dave Schmittou chats with us about getting out of the way so teachers can try something big, being authentic for the right reasons, and why he calls himself the chief cheerleader of teaching.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Author, Speaker, and Podcast Host, Dave Schmittou, chats with us about getting out of the way so teachers can try something big, being authentic for the right reasons, and why he calls himself the chief cheerleader of teaching. Dave shares how teaching his son to ride a bike changed how he looks at education, … Read More