82: Driving a positive culture – Daniel Finn chats with us about earning respect, building relationships, and driving a positive culture in your school.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Vice Principal, Dan Finn, chats with us about earning respect, building relationships, and driving a positive culture in your school, and shares how he views the potential impact we all have when it comes to helping each other impact students Dan talks about the power of reflection, the importance of balance, and how consistency and humility will help you continue to … Read More

81: Empower Everyone – Lynn Colón and Adam Welcome talk about being intentional, why you need to tell your story, and the importance of believing students CAN succeed.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Image for podcast episode #81 with Lynn Colon and Adam Welcome

“Empower Our Girls” co-authors, Lynn Colón and Adam Welcome, chat with us about their journey to writing the book, and why it’s not just about empowering girls, but empowering everyone. Adam and Lynn talk about the power of mentors and connections, helping others overcome their insecurities, being intentional, why you need to tell your story, and the importance of believing … Read More

80: Mo Physics. Mo Problems. – Mike Mohammad (Live from Summer Spark 2019)

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 Mike Mohammad chats with us live at Summer Spark (#USMspark) in Milwaukee, WI, sharing stories and lessons learned throughout his 19 year career. Mike talks about the power of sharing what you’re doing, why communication is so important, and allowing students to express themselves in different ways Episode Highlights 2:20 – Mike introduces himself. 3:08 – Mike’s failure: No … Read More

26 Must Follows on Twitter

Rae HughartBlog, Innovate Better

In This Post : With the millions of educational Twitter users, its a challenge in-itself to find the right ones to support your #PLN dreams List of over 26 educators challenging one other to grow on Twitter It’s time for you to build a support network outside of your daily environment Whether you are an active Twitter participant or just … Read More

79: Just A Teacher From Akron – Chelsea Nicolino (Live from the 2019 Akron Public Schools APS3T Conference)

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

8th grade science teacher, Chelsea Nicolino, chats with us live from Akron Public Schools APS3T Conference in Akron, OH. Chelsea discusses teaching the whole student, getting over a lack of confidence, and embracing social media. Chelsea shares the importance of actually building relationships with your students, why you don’t have to be an expert at everything, and how we all … Read More