91: Just A Dreamer – Amanda Fox shares how we need to really think through the problems we’re trying to solve, and why you should surround yourself with dreamers.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 Author, speaker, and dreamer, Amanda Fox, chats with us about the importance of recalibrating after a failure, building relationships for the foundation of how we help students, and how to make sure technology is for our students, not just us. Amanda talks us through AR and VR in education, how we need to really think through the problems we’re … Read More

90: Rethink Everything – Stefanie Crawford chats about gamification, knowing you’re good enough, and rethinking everything about education.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 Stefanie Crawford chats with us about gamification, knowing that you’re good enough, and being okay with asking for help. Stefanie discusses the importance of building a PLN and actually utilizing it, how your role is bigger than your title, and why she is excited for the rethinking of the traditional school model. Episode Highlights 1:51 – Highlighting podcasts you … Read More

89: Just Learning Every Day- Rachelle Dene Poth shares her love of learning, and why she feels like her job is relaxing

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Teacher, author, consultant, and ISTE Making IT Happen Award winner, Rachelle Dene Poth, chats with us about exploring AR/VR, why she feels like her job is relaxing, and how she sees Artificial Intelligence potentially impacting education. Rachelle shares her love of learning, the reason she gets excited about every new day, and why you do not need to teach whatever … Read More

Is Effective PD A Myth? (video

Rae HughartBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Video(s)

Video Highlights: Let’s break down why effective professional development for teachers is NOT a myth, and how you can ensure you’re creating effective PD for your teachers. Effective PD is NOT  a myth! There are tactical steps you can take to ensure that you are building effective professional development for your teachers. Establish your long term goals and break them … Read More

88: A Work in Progress – Lori McEwen chats with us about focusing on best practices for all students, bringing everything back to deep and joyful learning for kids.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Dr. Lori McEwen chats with us about focusing on best practices for all students, bringing everything back to deep and joyful learning for kids, and how we’re all just works in progress, learning every day. Lori chats about her excitement around mastery learning, how we can approach student-centered learning, and why we need to celebrate all wins. Episode Highlights 0:46 … Read More