95: A Team Approach – Nick Sutton, chats with us about getting back to good instruction, working as a team, and why you shouldn’t be afraid of your evaluations.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Superintendent, Nick Sutton, chats with us about getting back to good instruction, working as a team, and why you shouldn’t be afraid of your evaluations. Nick shares why he thinks we’re in such a cool time as educators right now, what leads to a building’s success, and how administrators really just want to do what’s best for kids, too. More … Read More

94: A Two-Way Conversation – Christine Witcher chats with us about the importance of feedback, and how to make sure our students are emotionally ready for it, and prepared to learn from it. 

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 Christine Witcher chats with us about the importance of feedback, and how to make sure our students are emotionally ready for it, and prepared to learn from it. Christine shares how fixing a problem in her classroom lead to creating an app to help others solve the same problem, and why we need to ask our students everyday what … Read More

Student Teacher Mentoring 101

Rae HughartBlog, Lead Better

In This Post: Student teacher mentoring is an ART Anytime you have a new student teacher, the first priority is learning about your mentee. It is essential to build a trust-filled relationship with your mentee. After understanding your mentee, and building a strong relationship, you need to provide tactical next steps for them to continue to grow. Student teacher mentoring … Read More

93: Practice What You Preach – Robert Breyer chats with us about setting the tone, leading by example, and practicing what you preach.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Elementary Principal, Rob Breyer, chats with us about setting the tone, leading by example, and practicing what you preach. Rob shares why he loves classrooms that are never quiet, the reason he has the best kids in all of North Carolina, and what you need to do in order to successfully implement change. Episode Highlights 0:55 – Discussing how Jeff … Read More

92: Mic Drop Moments – Brianna Shaner chats with us about staying true to yourself, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and looking for your “mic drop moments.”

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Brianna Shaner chats with us about staying true to yourself, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and looking for your “mic drop moments.” Brianna talks about trying new things, the importance of focusing on your strengths, and why we all need to embrace the “suck.” Episode Highlights 0:32 – Shoutout to Rachelle Dene Poth for Rae’s descriptive word. Check out … Read More