86: Let Them Own It – Maryanne Cullinan and Ellen Kidd chat about giving students ownership, the power of building community, and why we sometimes need to get out of the way.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Our dynamic duo, Maryanne Cullinan and Ellen Kidd, chat about giving students ownership, the power of building community, and why we sometimes need to get out of the way. Ellen and Maryanne share how we can work to give kids the capacity to solve their own problems, why we need to build relationships to help others take risks, and the … Read More

85: Change Their Mood – Jeremy Rinkel chats with us about being student focused and allowing student creativity to grow, and why we sometimes need to do whatever it takes to “change their mood.”

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 High school English teacher, Jeremy Rinkel, chats with us about being student focused and allowing student creativity to grow, and why we sometimes need to do whatever it takes to “change their mood.” Jeremy shares the power of sharing what you’re doing in your classroom, his return to focusing on relationships, and why reflection is so important. Episode Highlights … Read More

72: Master The Purpose – Michael Cohen chats with us about teaching students how to create, helping them to struggle, and guiding them to build out creative solutions.

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Listen to episode 72 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with The Tech Rabbi Michael Cohen

The Tech Rabbi, Michael Cohen, chats with us about teaching students how to create, helping them to struggle, and guiding them to build out creative solutions. Michael talks about instilling entrepreneurial thinking so that our students can be proficient in how to create things, why teachers need to be curious, and why you should focus on mastering the purpose rather … Read More

68: Conductors of Our Classrooms – Jeff Bradbury chats about listening to our audience to understand their needs, and how you can teach like a WWE Superstar.

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Listen to episode 68 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with Jeffrey Bradbury

 Jeffrey Bradbury, educational podcaster and founder of TeacherCast, chats with us about podcasting to help give educators a voice, why he loves using the medium to connect educators and grow together, and how you can start podcasting, too. Jeffrey shares his story of building multiple podcasts over the past 9 years, how you can teach like a WWE Superstar, … Read More

65: Relationships Over Content – Wilkie Law chats with us about his unique journey to becoming a teacher, and why we need to cherish the human side of people.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode #65 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with Wilkie Law III

Math skills specialist, and c0-founder of the LED Project, Wilkie Law III, chats with us about his unique journey to becoming a teacher, the importance of understanding a person before we judge, and how his struggles in school taught him a valuable lesson. Wilkie shares a powerful story about one of his students, why he teaches relationships over content, and … Read More