Lead Better: Passions and Saturday Dinners

Raymond PortenBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: Finding passions and interests can make experiences come alive. When you become interested in something, you are much more likely to get creative and show passion for it. In my home, it was cooking with my boys. What can leaders do to translate this same idea to their schools? Make the Drive Part of the Experience In July, I … Read More

Think Better: What Does REST Mean to YOU?

Lindsay TitusBlog, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Rest with intention each day. Listen to your body, mind, and soul and ignite your inner passion to share with the world. (R) Re-Connect from Within (E) Embrace Yourself in Joy (S) Simplify Your Priorities (T) Trust in the Timing. As educators, I am sure we have all played, or at least heard of, the word association game.  You … Read More