Follow Jessica online at: @KYgirlinAlabama MORE EPISODES
Episode 176- Amanda Mast is transforming who she is & everyone she meets & it is awesome.
Follow Amanda online at: @amanda_mast0325- Instagram MORE EPISODES
Episode 175-Dana Goodier shares how she climbed out of the trenches to lead and inspire others.
Follow Dana online at: @danagoodier – Twitter or MORE EPISODES
Episode 174- Dr. Kyle Nix is a ‘southern-ish” principal who seems to be doing everything right.
Connect with Kyle at: @kylemnix – Twitter @the_southernish_principal – Instagram MORE EPISODES
Episode 172- Becky Schnekser shares her journey from the Amazon to Virgina Beach and how she brings science to life for all of her students.
Stay connected with Becky at: @schnekser MORE EPISODES