Pam Olivieri chats with us about focusing on more than a test score, letting our students see that we’re excited about the content, and the importance of not just building relationships, but also having a plan. Episode Highlights 1:27 – Chatting about some FREE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT going on in our private Facebook Group. Previous topics: September 6: 7 Changes That … Read More
101: Finding The “Why” Before the “What” – Stephanie Howell chats with us about focusing on the “why” in education and then finding the “what” that aligns with it.
Instructional Technology Coordinator, Stephanie Howell, chats with us about focusing on the “why” in education and then finding the “what” that aligns with it. Stephanie shares the challenges she’s faced as a younger teacher in a leadership role, the power of connecting with others that can help you grow, and the importance of remembering what you said you were going … Read More
100: Tim Cavey Takes Over Teach Better Talk – The Teachers On Fire host flips the mic on Jeff and Rae for our 100th episode.
Tim Cavey, host of the Teachers On Fire Podcast, flips the mic on Jeff and Rae for our 100th episode. Tim chats with us about the journey to 100, what we love about producing the podcast, how the show has grown, and the challenges we’ve faced along the way. We discuss the ups and downs so far, who has helped us … Read More
99: Fail. Reflect. Move Forward. – Amber Heffner chats with us about learning from failures, reflecting in order to grow, and rethinking the way we facilitate education.
IDEA Executive Director, Amber Heffner, chats with us about learning from failures, reflecting in order to grow, and rethinking the way we facilitate education. Amber shares her journey to becoming Executive Director of IDEA, why she credits a failure for getting her there, and talks about why the passion of teachers has her excited about education right now. Episode … Read More
98: Learn to Love Failure – Meghan Deegan chats with us about the power of reflection, getting over the fear of failure, and surrounding yourself with the right people.
Meghan Deegan chats with us about the power of reflection, getting over the fear of failure, and surrounding yourself with the right people. Meghan shares how she learned to love failure, why we need to instill that same love in our students, and how we can question ourselves in the right way. Episode Highlights 0:46 – Previewing the episode with … Read More