what threatens to steal your joy today? discomfort with odd numbers. take the 1…2…3…challenge with joy. MORE EPISODES
27 – no standard for different
no standard can be created for ‘different’. what if we agreed. to concentrate on bravely choosing. that different is better than good. MORE EPISODES
26 – UTI, TMI, + a meteor shower of what-ifs
BONUS episode: Middle-of-the-Night Edition a conversation with myself. MORE EPISODES
Episode 1 | Featuring Jillian DuBois
Jillian DuBois serves as an elementary educator in Clearwater, Florida, USA. She has been in the field of education for two decades. She is a recently published author and illustrator of Liv’s Seashells. Jillian’s journey continues to bring much JOY and fulfillment as she thrives on building authentic relationships with her students and guiding their curiosity and wonder. She uses her … Read More