182: Be a doer, not just a hearer. – Timothy Alexander chats with us about helping others discover the champion within, why we need to be thankful for the little things, and the idea that we don’t need it to be easy, we just need it to be possible.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Timothy Alexander chats with us about helping others discover the champion within, comparing yourself to others, why we need to be thankful for the little things, and the idea that we don’t need it to be easy, we just need it to be possible. TA’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: Cell phone Book: The Bible Who to Follow on Instagram: @InspiredbyTA  YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: … Read More

181: Education is in my blood. – Tyler Cummings chats with us about utilizing data to facilitate meaningful conversations, opening the lines of communication, and why he left law school to be a teacher. 

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Tyler Cummings chats with us about utilizing data to facilitate meaningful conversations, opening the lines of communication, and why he left law school to be a teacher. Tyler’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: SchoolStatus Book: “The Splendid and the Vile” by Erik Larson Who to Follow on Social Media: @SchoolStatusApp @ThatRussDavis YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: TedX Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Call your parents! Text your parents! If … Read More

AWC Episode #15: Classroom Leadership

Jennifer AppelBlog

In this episode, Jen argues in favor of reimagining traditional classroom management.  Later, Hans and Jen talk about the benefits and strategies to foster classroom leadership. Listen on your favorite podcast platform! More Episodes

180: I just want to teach. – Tim Stephenson chats with us about seeing the opportunity in every situation, paying attention to what’s around you so you can bring it into your classroom, and finding your passion and loving to teach it.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Tim Stephenson chats with us about seeing the opportunity in every situation, paying attention to what’s around you so you can bring it into your classroom, and finding your passion and loving to teach it. Tim’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: iPad, Apple Pencil, Projector, and Wireless connection. Book: “Mother Of God” by Paul Rosalie Who to Follow on Instagram: Plastic Oceans … Read More

179: Bring others along with you. – Traci Browder chats with us about mentoring others, the power of believing in our students, and helping teachers fall in love with teaching again.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 17 year veteran educator, and podcast host, Traci Browder, chats with us about mentoring others, the power of believing in our students, and helping teachers fall in love with teaching again. Traci’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: Google everything. Book: “5 Things Successful People Do Before 8 am” by Terri Savelle Foy “Be Real” by Tara Martin “Teach Like a Pirate” … Read More