185 – Adaptation and Collaboration. – Ryann Fapohunda chats with us about adapting things to your classroom and school, collaborating more with other educators, and the power of extending your professional thinking.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Ryann Fapohunda chats with us about adapting things to your classroom and school, collaborating more with other educators, and the power of extending your professional thinking. Ryann’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: MOOC Classes Book: “The Art of Coaching” by Elena Aguilar “How Schools Work” by Arne Duncan “Grading for Equity: What Is It, Why It Matters, and How it can transform … Read More

AWC Episode #17: Creating Flow In Our Schools

Jennifer AppelBlog

In this episode, Jen and Hans pick apart workplace flow and its application to education.  Later, they uncover how they learn best. Listen on your favorite podcast platform! More Episodes

184: Faith and Optimism – John Green II chats with us about believing in students so they can believe in themselves, the power of never giving up, and the importance of learning to not take things personally.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

John Green II chats with us about believing in students so they can believe in themselves, the power of never giving up, and the importance of learning to not take things personally. John’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: G Suite Book:  “Play Through The Foul.” by  Vera Jones. “The Assistant Principal 50.” by Baruti Kafele. “Award Winning Culture.” by Hans Appel Who … Read More

183: Believe in others and yourself. – Livia Chan chats with us about being intentionally thankful, building your PLN, and the power of believing in people and in yourself.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Livia Chan chats with us about being intentionally thankful, building your PLN, and the power of believing in people and in yourself.   Livia’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: Office365 and Twitter Book: “Award Winning Culture” by Hans Appel Who to Follow on Social Media: @TeachBetterTeam  @edutopia @DalaiLama & https://dalailamacenter.org/about/heart-mind YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Shelley Moore’s YouTube channel – Five Moore Minutes George Couros Daily/Weekly/Monthly … Read More

AWC Episode #16: Personal Outreach

Jennifer AppelBlog

In this episode, Hans explains the secret to creating generational positivity.  Later, Jen shares the best part about working with the Teach Better Team. Listen on your favorite podcast platform! More Episodes