Leading Excellence – Michael Horton

Rob BreyerGuiding Principals Podcast

Michael Horton began his career as a physics teacher and then became an administrator at two county offices where he coached principals to turn around underperforming schools and trained science teachers. He then coached AVID schools to prepare underrepresented students for college. Now, he’s the assistant principal of a highly acclaimed STEM charter school in Southern California. He’s written 3 … Read More

187: Creativity Is Everything. – Sean Thompson chats with us about learning to let go of control, getting used to failure, and why creativity is everything.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Sean Thompson chats with us about learning to let go of control, getting used to failure, and why creativity is everything. Sean’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: Keynote Book: “Oryz and Crate” by Margaret Atwood “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell Who to Follow on Instagram: Michael Cohen (@TheTechRabbi) YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog:  Christian Thompson Digital Creativity Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Learn something new. Get some data, plan to … Read More

AWC Episode #18: Happiness vs. Joy

Jennifer AppelBlog

In this episode, Hans and Jen Suggest that schools should be pursuing joy over happiness.  Later, Jen reflects on why math is her favorite subject she’s ever taught. Listen on your favorite podcast platform! More Episodes

186: Learning should be joyful. – Jen Manly chats with us about empowering students to do work that matters now, being vulnerable, and why learning should be joyful.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Jen Manly chats with us about empowering students to do work that matters now, being vulnerable, and why learning should be joyful. Jen’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: Trello Book: “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink “Me and White Supremacy” by Layla Saad Who to Follow on Social Media: Dr. Nicki Washington (@dr_nickiw) Victoria Thompson (@victoriathetech) Charity Freeman (@chariositeach) YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Crash … Read More

Episode 1 – The COVID Comeback?

Adam DeWittPrincipal Leadership Lab Podcast

Jeff & Adam discuss the COVID pandemic – are there any positive takeaways to be gleaned from this public health crisis, especially for school communities?  And what does going into the 20-21 school year look like?  Check out the latest episode of The Principal Leadership Lab as we discuss, “The COVID Comeback?” Show Notes Linked Here!   MORE EPISODES