Episode 99: Imparted Joy with Jillian DuBois

Darrin PeppardLeaning Into Leadership

Jillian and Darrin sit down together on the podcast to talk about being repurposed educators, finding their way in their new worlds, hanging on the beach, and so much more. You don’t want to miss this incredible visit between two good friends! That, plus your #PepTalk on this week’s show.   MORE EPISODES

Calendar Blocking 101 for EDUcreators

Jeff GargasBlog, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Calendar blocking is a time management technique used by successful EDUcreators to increase productivity and manage their demanding schedules effectively. It involves allocating specific time blocks in your calendar for different tasks or responsibilities, reducing distractions, and improving focus. Prioritize your tasks, create a daily to-do list, and practice task batching to group similar tasks together. Experiment with day … Read More