Good Morning. Good Night.

Suzanne DaileyBlog, Manage Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Morning and evening routines can contribute to your well-being and happiness. In the morning, the routine involves preparing for the day the night before, enjoying alone time in stillness with coffee, exercising, and listening to intellectually or spiritually enriching podcasts. The evening routine includes winding down by indulging in humorous and light-hearted content, minimizing phone usage, expressing gratitude in … Read More

4 Tips for Classroom Management

Kari PitstickBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Routines and structures are key to strong classroom management. Consider your first 5 minutes of class and intentionally decide how you will spend that time. What works one day might not work the next; what works for one class may not work for another. Classroom management will always be a work in progress; not every single day will go … Read More

Bracket Your Day with Consistent Routines

Teach Better TeamBlog, Manage Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Structure the beginning of your day to have a consistent routine.  Before leaving work, clean up your email inbox by returning all messages from the day. As you end your day, create a system to keep track of items that need to be addressed the following day.  As school leaders begin their school year supporting their students, staff, parents, … Read More