Revamping Your Communication Plan: Are You Communicating to Connect?

Debbie TannenbaumBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Check in with others by focusing on connection rather than action.  Reach out to your colleagues and lean on each other. Revamp your communication plan by considering new ways to reach out to your stakeholders to connect.   I was thrilled to be a guest on the Daily Drop In with Rae Hughart. We discussed ways that we can revamp … Read More

3 Lessons I Learned After Starting a Business at 20

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better, Teacherpreneur Better

TL;DR: Sebastian started his own business at 20 years old. This post shares what he has learned in the first 4 years. You are never too old or too young to do anything in this lifetime. Carve out your niche. Find your lane and find out what makes you different than your competition. Communication is powerful when building a resourceful … Read More

EP86: Are They MY Students?

The Staff Room PodcastStaff Room Podcast

In Episode 86 of The Staffroom Podcast, Chey and Pav talk about a topic that arose during a broadcast of “The Drive” – whether or not we should be referring to students as “MY” Students. The conversation takes us into anti-oppressive and anti-racist language use, intergenerational trauma, and the inclusive or exclusive words that teachers use in the classroom. They … Read More

It’s All a Blur: Lessons Learned From Endings & Beginnings

Jami Fowler-WhiteBlog, Connect Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Reflect on the lessons learned from the endings and beginnings you experience. To prevent the blur, reflect on the beginning and identify what you learned at the end. Create concrete ways to apply those lessons. How often do you reflect on your life, instructional practice, or progress towards accomplishing goals? Do you wait until it’s time to create resolutions … Read More

Relationships & Partnerships Are Keys to Good Leadership! 

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: Building relationships and community partnerships are keys to good leadership! We teach the students in our communities; why not connect them to the community as we teach? A partnership with community groups when teaching contributes to positive learning and teaching experiences. A Key to Good Leadership: How do we build partnerships? It’s so important to consider relationships and how … Read More