Curating Your Positive Self-Talk Playlist: A Guide for Educators and Student

Laura McDonellBlog, Connect Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Curate a positive self-talk playlist to shift your mindset, much like Rachel changes the car radio station. Use affirmations, achievements, and visual inspiration to create an uplifting “station” to turn to when negativity strikes. Teach students and educators how to model positivity and build resilience through this powerful habit. Whenever I drive my daughter, Rachel one thing never changes: … Read More

Words to Use and Words to Lose in 2023

Lindsay TitusBlog, Reflect Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Reflect on your current habits so you can identify what you want to change for the upcoming year. Lose words like just, should, and have to. Instead, choose statements like I get to, I love to, I choose to, and I desire to. As we enter into a new year, I always love reflecting on my current habits so … Read More

S4:E1: Towards an Altruistic Effort to Elevate Students’ Confidence #TBPodcaster #TeachBetter

Efraín MartinezWisdom and Productivity Podcast

S4:E1: Towards an Altruistic Effort to Elevate Students’ Confidence #TBPodcaster #TeachBetter | Wisdom & Productivity Summary: In this episode, I share concepts and ideas on how to gather forces towards an altruistic effort to elevate students’ confidence. I will begin by sharing a bit about my journey over the summer and why I took a brief break from podcasting. I … Read More

Lead Better: The Swimming Test…Building Confidence

Raymond PortenBlog, Lead Better

TL;DR: When you push yourself outside of your comfort zone, you grow in confidence. We can build our people’s confidence in multiple ways. Build a relationship of trust with them. Give them the knowledge and time to practice the skills we want them to try. Acknowledge when they try things. Let our confidence in our people carry them until they … Read More

Lessons from Bluey

Jason LimBlog, Reflect Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: This post shares lessons learned from Bluey, the Disney TV show. The Tao of Bluey is reflected upon. Failure will always be with us.  It is what makes us the person that we are today. Remember that the show must go on! Lessons from Bluey Hello everyone.  Here is a quick question.  Have you all ever seen the show … Read More