Moving From Self-Care to Collective Care

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: While self-care is important, it has become a way of shifting the responsibility, whilst putting more work on the shoulders of already overwhelmed educators. Mutual aid is collective coordination to meet each other’s needs. Collective care removes the responsibility from the shoulders of individual teachers and shifts the onus to the school, district, and educators as a collective group. … Read More

Plan the Perfect School Year

Teach Better TeamBlog, Self Care Better

TL;DR: The perfect weekend for me includes a mix of fresh air, friends, and faith. What does yours include? Expand your formula for the perfect weekend to long weekends and longer school holidays so you truly enjoy them and reap the benefits. Plan your year ahead of time to include fresh air, friends, faith, and exploring (or whatever is in … Read More