Making the Most of the First 5 Minutes

Katie MiglinBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: Educators want their students excited about their content but it can be challenging when you struggle with low energy and engagement. Focus on the first five minutes of each class, incorporating fun games and activities to create enthusiasm. Other ideas to maintain the focus on those initial minutes include upbeat music, greetings, and engaging questions, which results in increased … Read More

Small Wins, Huge Smiles

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: It is essential to highlight all small wins for students in the classroom. Celebrating all wins helps to create a learning environment of love and success. In such a world today where everything is so “me” focused, we often overlook a simple gesture of celebrating or encouraging others. A simple compliment goes a long way long towards the mental … Read More

131: The Power of Environment – Kevin Stoller chats with us about surrounding yourself with positivity, the importance of planning your day, and the power of your classroom’s environment.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Kay-Twelve founder, Kevin Stoller, chats with us about surrounding yourself with positivity, the importance of planning your day, and the power of your classroom’s environment. Kevin talks about getting rid of the things we know are doing harm, what the worst marketing campaign ever looks like, and why change requires changing the physical environment. Episode Highlights 1:31 – Chatting with … Read More

Three Ways to Create a Safe and Peaceful Learning Environment

Jeremy RinkelBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better

In this Post : Teachers are competing against the fast-paced entertainment, gaming, videos and much more Music can be a great way to transition – try guitar music Provide options for students Sharing without judgement is essential What gets and keeps people’s attention at a rock concert? Loud music, mind-blowing guitar solos, and super stunning light shows. Upside down 360 … Read More

The 5 Senses behind Classroom Management

Rae HughartBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better

In This Post: Classroom management blogs are filled to the brim with strategies and techniques to help students operate at their highest potential within the classroom environment. One idea often not discussed – the element of how a classroom’s physical space adds to classroom management success. Think of your favorite place to work; what makes it your favorite? How it … Read More