Episode 57: The Grass Fire Analogy with Hal Bowman

Darrin PeppardLeaning Into Leadership

Hal Bowman joins the podcast to talk about what thriving schools have in common, how leaders can best communicate the truth about their campuses, and what we can do to increase the men coming in and decrease the men leaving education. That, plus a #PepTalk on this week’s show. MORE EPISODES

Reawaken Your Clarity

Jillian DuBoisBlog, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Let go of perfection. Allow yourself to move forward and let go of the past. Give yourself time to rest. Be okay with setting boundaries. Reawaken clarity. I hopped into my car yesterday and realized that the front windshield was dirty. With no time to clean it on my way to work, I realized how difficult it was to … Read More

Losing Control: Agility for School Teams During the Pandemic

Steven WeberBlog, Lead Better

TL;DR: Teachers and administrators have expressed a loss of control during the COVID pandemic. Learning agility is our ability to learn, adapt, unlearn, and relearn to keep up with constantly changing conditions. Clarity, scenario planning, and communication are three areas that provide agility for school teams. Got my own mind I want to make my own decisions When it has … Read More

Agile Leadership During A Storm

Steven WeberBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: Agile school leaders designing plans with multiple contingency plans and keep the end in mind. Seek clarity in the storm and in your plans to communicate with the public.  Embrace complexity and allow cognitive elasticity to support team decisions, rather than relying on traditional approaches and what worked in the past. “This is about identifying the direction you and the … Read More