Better Leadership: “I’m Dada”

Raymond PortenBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: The image you present and who others see may not correspond with who you want to be. Reflecting on yourself and asking others for feedback can help you become the individual you want others to see. You need to be open to criticism and ready to make the changes. Be intentional and consistent so you can portray who you … Read More

Introducing Better Leadership

Raymond PortenBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Lessons that are learned in your personal life can transfer to your professional life. Teachers often need similar support to what a family needs. Educational leaders can use the skills, strategies, and ideas they learn from their family and workplace interchangeably. Introducing Better Leadership I have learned many lessons in my schooling or on the job that I have … Read More