Show 123: Systems from School Board Down to the Teacher All Focused on Learning

Ken EhrmannpowerED Up Podcast

This is a conversation that needs to be heard and had in every school district in our country. Powerful leadership focused on student learning. Share on X

AJ Crabill is uniquely positioned to support school districts from the school board to the student. He is focused on creating systems that focus all school employees on improving student learning. It is so focused they measure all of their time from school board meetings to a principal’s calendar.

  • Teachers support students, principals support teachers, upper administration supports principals, and the school board supports upper administration.  In AJ’s district, everyone is focused on students through an organized system.
  • Measure how much time you are spending focused on improving teaching and learning.
  • Have all administrators watch the same lesson and score it. They can understand what good teaching is and why.
  • AJ is measuring his success by evaluating how soon the district doesn’t need him.
  • We all have choices in how we spend our time and what we focus on daily. We need to be intentional with our time.
  • If the school board is self-evaluating, then it becomes easiest for leaders and teachers to do the same.


Twitter: @AJCrabill7

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