Show 113: The Why of Technology Integration Before the What

Ken EhrmannpowerED Up Podcast

This provided such a clear perspective of why and how to utilize technology integration in the classroom #edchat #tbpodcaster #teachbetter Share on X

Mark has experience as a teacher, building administrator, and central office. This experience has given him the perspective always to do his best for students.

  • Working in a district office can help elevate teaching by constantly analyzing curriculum, technology, and best teaching practices.
  • Evaluating the integration of technology starts with the “why.”  What is the instructional impact? The second is planning professional development.  The professional development needs to be thorough and ongoing. Professional development should spiral into building the confidence and competency of teachers. The third is selecting the device.
  • Technology started as an excellent tool, but now we must evaluate its use and how it impacts teaching and learning.
  • Never pull the staff together for a meeting when the topic could be covered through an email.

Twitter: @MarkHess98

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