Dr. Mechele Newell is a 2nd/3rd grade teacher/Change Agent/Advocate for the under-represented/under-privileged youth and leader in her local ministry in the Bay Area. A former laboratory scientist, she supports youth and education in the local community by volunteering in local public and private schools. What caused her to get into K-12 was the time she was coaching girls’ bball. This interview includes the following topics: Mechele’s educational experiences, her military experience which led her to teaching adults, her experiences in ministry which led her to teaching and loving children, coaching high school basketball how it led her to teaching k12 and how teaching adult prepared her for teaching in k12. Her current role in education is teaching at a new local charter 2/3 combo Her plans from here are social justice/social change/agency in the education of black and brown kids and a need for teaching programs for educators who teach the underserved/underprivileged more specifically, black and brown kids.
Follow Mechele on Twitter @mechelenewell