Episode #298: Danny Bauer

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

Danny Bauer -2nd time as guest, to discuss new book Build Leadership Momentum: was episode 42 Feb ‘21

New bio: Danny Bauer is a 

  • Principal Development & Retention Expert
  • Best Selling Author
  • And Host of Two of the World’s Most Downloaded Podcasts
  • As the Chief Ruckus Maker, he founded Better Leaders Better Schools in 2015.


Trench story in relation to the writing process, or other in past 2+ yrs. His 2nd book Mastermind: Unlocking School Talent within Every School Leader; the ABC’s of school leadership. He tried to write to too many audiences. First few drafts were thrown out. Stopped writing. went to park w/ dog Alba. Cleared mind, created space. Needed a framework of why the framework of masterminds work. Book was supposed to be released 3-4 months before it came out.

Book talk: Much of your new book Build Leadership Momentum: How to Create the Perfect Principal Entry Plan which talks about building positive culture, setting the stage for success the first 91+ days of a new (or continuing) principals’ job. Delegating tasks to co-create an extraordinary culture (refer to pg 56-58 in pdf). It’s a short and easy read (like my book!) that principals can use to work with their teams in delegating and developing/executing their 90 day plan. His book is conversational, to-the-point. Advice you’d give to a new principal taking over for someone who left the school with poor culture and little staff-staff or admin-staff connections: He wanted to deliver a result in as few words as possible. read book in 1 hr-2 hours to implement a strategic plan. Content came from an online challenge-60-90 m on how to create your entry plan. John Unger was one of the participants. When he implemented his template, John’s stress level was lower. 

How is this entry plan different from others they may have access to or have inherited: we’re all playing a game,it’ll give you blank canvas to paint from. What’s in and out of bounds. Book includes surveys, getting to know staff better. What if teacher appreciation week were every week? Show up for your staff weekly.


Talk about pairing down to Scale up Operations: Everything can’t be included in a 90 day plan. Antoine St. Exupéry quote. Green Eggs & Ham was less than 50 words- playing w/in boundaries helps you be more creative. He likes to do things that don’t scale. Danny wants to serve 5k leaders. Right now, he can personally sign books people buy. 

If your book was a joke, what would be the punchline? Everything is a joke. Danny lives by Rule #6-don’t take yourself too seriously. Very few principals actually have an entry plan. Those that do are part of top 1%. You could do entry plan for 4 quarters. 90 day timeframe is perfect. Not too far away.  

What are resources one can find on www.buildleadershipmomentum.com? when book was launched, there were bonuses, autographed copies. Blank template entry. 12 month principal checklist. Ruckus Maker Mindset Tool. Taking the temperature, belonging, othering activity. Delegation spreadsheet, etc.  


Speaking availability? Upcoming (‘24) conferences?  3rd live event in July 12-14 in Nashville around NAESP/NASSP (instead of Moab, as was mentioned on recording). Topic is leadership confidence. What sets them apart is this one has an adventure component. You learn a lot about leadership. Put into practice w/in 72 hours. reach out 312-788-7595. This may be for 50 ppl only. Ruckus maker Mastermind- stay tuned and follow Danny for more info about possible deep work days coming up. During those, he incorporates strategic thinking, collaboration w/ other mastermind members. 

Out of everything? Not enough leaders create deep workdays. Significant work & where it exists. Don’t get pulled into day-to-day operations. Block off time for strategic thinking. Share on X

Where can ppl find you online? www.betterleadersbetterschools.com

FB@dannybauer X/IG: @heydannybauer

View this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/AWnFmvTUNW4


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