Episode #295: Bradley James Davies

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

Bradley James Davies is a school leadership consultant and coach with two decades of experience teaching, coaching, and leading independent schools across all grade levels as a dean, division head, and head of school. (change to 1st person) I invest in leaders dedicated to becoming their best selves and living their best lives. My clients span all sectors, from technology and entertainment to government and education, and all levels of leadership, from rising stars to c-suite veterans.

 Specializing in life-transitions, work-life balance, team dynamics, leadership wellness, and adult development, I blend a light-hearted style with a keen ability to get to the heart of the matter. I bring to the table a unique capacity to simplify and summarize the complex and the confidence to compassionately challenge when needed. As a result, I successfully help clients expand their self awareness, leverage their strengths, and implement best practices designed to optimize life both at work and at home.

 In addition to coaching leaders, I also speak and facilitate workshops on “Next Level Listening” and “Leadership Wellness 101.”

Trench story: was leading a HS at age 30, positive future. At 40, progressed to a small district supt. At 46 was in ER thinking he would die from heart attack. Had a panic attack. it’s the premise of his book. His career crash-landed. He thought he was about to die. He had no one the hospital needed to call. Something wasn’t right. Made a commitment to leave school leadership. Came at apex of COVID. Had gotten shingles 3 yrs prior- due to stress. His body raised awareness his mind didn’t see. Had depression about 3 yrs prior as well.

He’s no longer in the trenches and is grateful to be. Got self over the narrative of failure. He wrote the book to heal and published it to help. Part how to, part how not to survive in the trade. He recommends to leaders across sectors to have a coach. If they say they’re not stressed-push. We’re most inclined to deceive ourselves. He’s sad but grateful. 

​Talk about your first book, School Leadership from A to Z: How to Lead Well Without Losing Your Way, is about the ups, downs, and all-arounds of school life and leadership. In my wildest dreams, it will help start a revolution of radical self-care and personal growth among school leaders.

He left the principalship in ‘21, he had planned on pivoting at 50, he pivoted at 46. He traveled, was sad. got advice from a friend who had self-published. Wanted to write a self-help book. Amassed a collection of essays- now alphabetized into book chapters. Person in self-publishing said for him to write about school leadership and the life behind it. Self-publlishing consultant told him to write a book for his little brother who is inclined to go into school leadership. Healed so much in the process. His interest isn’t in school improvement, it’s in school leader wellness. Leaders are often so self-consumed, oblivious about the difficulties of work. Some unicorns shoulder the work, and are able to bring the work home. It sets an ideal that’s impossible to meet. Leaders are pretty idealistic. Standard of Michael Jordan principal is standard. School leaders need to learn about taking care of themselves. They need to implement these self-care practices. Those leaders take their t’s w/ them. Best way isn’t by doing more but becoming more. Do less by caring less. You won’t be apathetic. Ease off the throttle.

Articles: https://www.nais.org/learn/independent-ideas/may-2023/yes-introverts-can-be-effective-school-leaders/– talk about introverts in leadership. Narrative around intro- and extroversion in leadership is important. He’s outgoing but an introvert. Definition is how we get our energy. A school day for a leader is non-stop talk, mtgs. Introverts will have low energy at the end of the day. Offices are places they go to be found. Introverts should have mobile desks, or work in the CR t’s will only have 5-10 m to talk. Introverts don’t speak first in mtgs. If the leader invites team to give fdb first it’s a big ask.  

Talk about blog, speaking, current coaching practice? 

He does 3 talks/workshops as an executive leadership coach:  next level listening (can highlight this one):  he started his training w/ Georgetown U. He saw a new conviction during training about how he’d developed listening strategies. Imagine the world we’d live in if everyone improved their listening skills. How are you going to share your school story if you haven’t heard stories w/in school community? 

 Leadership wellness 101– he talks about 3 types of leaders. Narsissist, f. ex. who thinks they’re fine. Michael Jordan leader is the unicorn- they have unique wiring. They share out this narrative ”be awesome like me”. 

Personalized wellness plan, top traits of a transformation. With these strategies, we can change the generational discontent. It can help married couples as well.


out of everything: 2 things: leaders-don't lead alone- get colleagues you can be vulnerable with Share on X. #2- story he shares- visiting his mom now. In 3-4th grade. Mom was cooking dinner. 3 wishes- what would you ask for? Mom didn’t want to tell him. She then said “I’d wish for peace, someday you’d understand”. It anchors his core belief- peace is the prize. Pursue peace. 

Where can ppl find you online: IG @bradley.james.davies, LinkedIn, @Bradley James Davies, or TikTok @bradleyjamesdavies.

View this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/A8XHmz3TjIU


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