Our guest today has been featured on Fox News for her positive behavior strategies. She’s the host of The Pre-K Teacher Family Podcast and her course, The Calm Classroom has helped teachers around the world reduce misbehavior by strengthening relationships.
Trench story: Her story revolves around becoming a teacher. Moved to Denver, got first job in DPS. Taught pre-school. Had tough behaviors she didn’t know how to respond to. No courses had prepared her for behaviors. It was hard to get kids to respond. Ppl who observed didn’t have suggestions. Was concerned as it was preschool-first teacher experience. Went on her own journey to figure it out. Hated feeling tense & on edge. Got behaviors in line. Spent 7 yrs trying to figure that out. She was given bad advice, like “don’t smile until X-mas”. She didn’t want to scare them into compliance. Firm stuff didn’t work. She looked for what felt good. Working on the relationships, that’s where everything starts.
Lead from story into: What do you do when you have a super disruptive/dangerous student in your class? bad behavior can throw off the whole day. Everything starts w/ relationship w/ child. All kids need a purpose. Give them something to look fwd to. Kids want belonging & significance. Ask simple non-contingent ?’s.
What’s your best piece of advice for a teacher who is having trouble controlling their classroom? She’ll go into how to specifically get through to the kids who hear you in a specific way. You need to come from a different angle. You need to say “I care about you, you matter”. Show them you’re on their team. Can approach them by saying you’re glad they’re in the class. Have kid help you w/ a special job. Show st you need them. Channel what they’re doing to set it up for the right way.
The worst kid in your class is ready to be your new favorite, I’m going to show you how to make it happen….so many of us find ourselves in these classrooms that are out of control and we feel like something is wrong with us… the problem is NOT YOU! Giving them a job to do, show them you care. Make the shift- change the way you’re framing things. They WILL step up. Reprogram self to realize all kids are good. Biggest thing is a teacher’s mindset. Kids feed off of it. You can bring them up or down. Equip your t’s w/ a positive mindset. Negative assumptions for the day will happen if you think they will. Kids is inherently good- their actions are separate. Don’t let them become something negative.
She shares de-escalation strategies. She has videos. Has an online course *for K-2*. 6 hours long. Does virtual trainings, some in person. Also has a podcast: Pre-K teacher family teacher podcast. The bigger the behaviors, the more the child needs connection. Course is 19 strategies no one is teaching. It’s about knowing how to say things that help kids listen- positive strategies. Don’t feel like it’s your fault as a teacher. What’s missing for t’s is often the action steps to use to handle a crisis.
She wants to make clear that she’s coming from a place of wanting to help, rather than asking them to do more. No one is preparing them for this job. Tough behaviors can throw everything off. Get kids working w/ you rather than against you. It’s lonely to not know what to do. In buildings, you can’t often get solutions.
Out of everything: When it comes to misbehaviors- you have to work on the relationships. Aim to connect with the child. You can’t overpower or force them. Share on X You have to connect with them the right way.
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🌿THE CALM CLASSROOM COURSE: https://www.triedandtrueteacher.com/the-calm-classroom-course PROMO code: DANA
💚 Caylee’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prekteachertips/
🎤 Caylee’s Podcast:
ITUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pre-k-teacher-family/id1497064603
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/5P0XpLfvef0K7uSNz7HCY8?si=iE7H2SKRQBqarCJLlnUDDw
💙 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/triedandtrueteachertips
View this episode on You Tube: https://youtu.be/thG7FBue-fg