Episode #279: Mark Taylor

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

Mark has been a professional percussionist for 25 years and has had the opportunity of performing with some the UK’s finest orchestras and theatre companies. Finding his passion and ‘voice’ through music gave Mark the desire to share this understanding through his drum and percussion teaching which he provides in schools and in his private practice.

Mark wanted to share the creative and inspiring learning he was witnessing in schools from his experience of delivering whole-class music workshops around the country. This was the start of the Education on Fire podcast in December 2016.

The podcast has now released over 350 episodes and been downloaded in 147 countries. Simply put Mark interviews educators from around the world so that he can enable you to support your children to live, learn and grow to their full potential.

Trench story: is a musician by trade. Was working for a music hub. Did this 2-3 days/wk. Got into schools, dig drum classes, had to teach 3 students under a staircase. His podcast came out of that. It’s different than being a musician. He still plays professionally. Started performing freelance-has performed at Royal Albert Hall. He had a mixture of things he did since mid ‘95’s. Right now, he works in 3 schools 2 or 3 days/week. Works w/ 6-7 y.o.-17/18 y.o. percussion ensembles. When he started his family, wanted to stay at home, not travel so much. He can schedule podcast recordings when performing demand is low. Being able to share about other programs is how podcast was born.

Education on Fire podcast, how and when you started it, and its goal: Started in Dec. 2016 to help t’s in the staffroom. Was traveling around doing workshops and schools, dealt w/ staff discontent. Identified w/ them. He gets a chance to share opportunities. Small things he can highlight like charities/org’s that have done something great. It’s what he’s trying to do on a regular basis. Podcast started to grow out of that. He’s doing it for his pleasure of learning from others. Releases 1x/week. Wants to have community on YouTube. Spreading the word about the podcast- director of schools, friends or friends. Tables shifted; ppl ask to be on the show. He interviews ppl from all walks of life. Everyone has their own passion w/ education at the center.

Journey thru education? He kind of fell into it as a way of getting a steady job. He wanted to pay it forward from the music teachers he had. IT was about having fun, the exploration. Opportunities that arose. The more he did it, the more he was able to put himself into situations to expose music.

Started a music company. Called Rhythmically Speaking. Went round to schools. Found out what was really working well. Became the essence to whole-class rhymn workshops. CDs of material. Shift in the U.K to use to teach whole class. Class put simple rhymns together. Build confidence- did them all over U.K. Went business partner moved to Bangkok, shut up shop.

Got a spot on a natl council 7-8 yrs, now vice chair of it. National Association for Pri Education. They have a child-first idea of edu, giving them the opportunity to explore their learning. UK school system is broken down into counties. Used to be music-authority based. Sent t’s into schools. They were keen on parental view he had. That way they could pay to get t’s into schools.

UK funding for music programs: Counties have some form of that. When he grew up, it was all free, kids had to try an instrument. Lessons were heavily subsidized. These music hubs employ certain # of brass, piano teachers, etc. Schools buy into that. When he started teaching in 2014-5, local edu authority would buy in. Music hub org’s were disappearing. Entity was able to function on its own. Fees often get passed along to the parents. Teachers who are contracted to start a program often stay b/c the program often grows. Takes a long time.

Speaking engagements? podcast goes every week. He’s done a few live streams already. He can pitch the week. Does live podcasts on YouTube weekly, does engagement w/ audience. Once or twice/month Sept. 12th- his aim is to have those on a regular basis. Will do Tuesday nights 7:30 UK time. He won’t be the focus of everything. Will both do solo & have some guests on. He will theme-base the podcasts, like something that’s been in the news. Wants to be reactive to the here & now. Bring out things ppl are passionate about.

Out of everything: you think it’s the nitty-gritty of what we’re teaching, it’s about how teacher made them feel instead. Every little connection you had helps kid take ownership. Every day you make a difference. Share on X

Where can ppl find you? https://www.educationonfire.com/


X (Twitter) @taylormapps 


View this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/EAXa83u6Ojo



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