Episode #278: Kevo

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

Kevo is a tattoo artist, Univ instructor Kevo is from Houston, Texas and holds an MFA degree. His art ranges from painting to theater production, highlighting racial dynamics and human experiences. He is the director of a non profit for arts, Kevo Arts Studios, and teaches at a college, with over 10 years of experience as the owner of a successful tattoo studio. Additionally, he has a background in Stage plays and  film-making, and has written and published several books. His story was even featured on Fox 26 News in a segment called “From Inmate to Entrepreneurship,” highlighting the journey from incarceration to business artistry. Kevo was proclaimed his own day from the Mayor of Houston, Kevo Day, April 6th, where he is honored for his value to the Houston community. Kevo represents change, inspiration, and art. As a black man from an inner city neighborhood that was raised without his real parents, to become a renowned fine artist is a big deal. From his youth, Kevo was shot, sent to jail, and had a history of drug dealing and violence. Kevo changed his life and became one of the most accomplished artists his city has ever seen.

Trenches story: has been through many negative aspects in life. He doesn’t like talking about time in jail, drug dealing. Was raised by aunt. In & out of jail a lot out of HS. Charges dropped after 9 months. Became an established artist.

Did you ever imagine becoming an art professor? How did that play out? teaches art history, drawing, painting. Incorporates tattoos. First time at the college level. Big deal. Becoming a tatoo artist is becoming more commonplace. Tattoos are because people want them-they look cool.

How would you define art? You creating something you want to express. Art is his life. It can be dance, poetry, architecture. He believes aside from how good you are, it’s important to make your art more interesting. Be true to yourself. Share on XWhen he got his MFA, there was a girl in a studio, they made completely different work. Content was similar, he did elaborate paintings backed by political, social injustice. He called her his favorite artist. His favorite artists/painting define you.

How is tattooing different than painting? it’s a different medium. Drawing is different than painting etc. Being good at one doesn’t mean you’re good at the other. Teaching exposes him to the fact that everyone can draw. Realistically view.

What inspired you to write stage plays and movies? What his publicity is focused on, he has a stage play Xmas eve. Wrote an educational play about Vincent Van Gogh as an artist. Art appreciation play. Diverse cast, playing people from Amsterdam. He believes Van Gogh is one of the greatest artists ever. Artist’s info isn’t always accessible. He believes Van Gogh is one of the most interesting artists out there. Art is a no-judgment zone.

Play is showing only on Xmas eve- it will be filmed and on streaming services. (it will take about 6 months from it being recorded to distribution) Https://matchouston.org/events/2023/vincent

Racism in America/social justice through art– for play he’s recreating Van Gogh art on the stage. If not that he’d paint current events like Hammas & Israel. He’s painted a piece on his youtube, titled “What do we do now” script on timeline 1965, African Americans & what they have been join through. It depend

Entrepreneurship & how he’s built his business-on social media- ppl just follow him. He doesn’t focus a ton on social media or growing his business. Keep trying & it will happen.

Growth through art– he found himself a long time ago. Is currently in a space where he only cares about art & family. He loves the space he’s in currently. Don’t worry about what will make you happy.

Out of everything: Tupak said “I’ve seen too many real players ball to let a punk bust a bebe…” He doesn’t want to lose to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

Where can ppl find you online: 

Send him the video file when done. FB & IG @Kevoarts Twitter: @kevotheartist


View this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/o99U3oAStgk



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