Episode #266: Kyle Hill

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

Kyle Hill is a District Special Education Resource Lead / Founder of RechargED Family. He is an award-winning educator who has worked in special education for 25 years in the state of Delaware.  His first 20 years teaching was as a special education teacher in an elementary school, but since, he has been working as a district-wide Resource Lead, in an attempt to help teachers and paraeducators support all the students within their diverse classrooms.  His role involves academic and behavioral support, overseeing first year teacher mentor programs, and leading all special education intervention curriculum programs for the entire school district.  His greatest passion and job though is being a father of 3 kids who all have their own unique needs.  Because of his experiences in education and parenting, Kyle became the founder of the RechargED Family.  In this organization he aims to provide resources and content for both parents and educators in hopes to help youth reach their goals. He’s the podcast host of the Xhausted Educators and the Parents RechargED shows as well as a content creator on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. Kyle is currently working on multiple large projects. This summer he is partnering up with education leaders from across North America, who will be providing educators with over 50 workshops before the start of the 23-24 school year, and he is also in the process of creating a student mentor program where community members come into the schools to meet with individual students and make a positive impact.  This mentor program is being created on the idea that a paraeducator or parent can oversee the entire program, because in many cases campus leaders do not have enough time to oversee an additional student mentoring program.

Trenches story: most of his time as student. Had academic/behavioral challenges. ADHD undiagnosed. Didn’t have motivation until college. Was sped teacher because he wanted to work with students who had academic & behavior needs.1 year in particular, his son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The same year, they had 2 y.o. twins. Learned a lot about self. “Keeping the main thing the main thing”.

I am extremely passionate about trying to connect parents and the community with schools.  It benefits everyone, especially the students.  Student mentoring programs are known to improve student behaviors, attendance, engagement, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Because of this, I have been working on promoting student mentor programs where volunteers come to schools to meet with students for about 20 minutes a week in order to connect and provide another consistent positive role model for students who need extra support. Wife & him are passionate about it. Have kids with ADHD, 504 plans, hearing impairment. Parents outside of education don’t understand educational jargon. Wife was just elected to the school board. He spent a lot of time with behavior support at 1 school. That school turned towards student mentoring program. Recruited community members. It’s inspirational for students.

The RechargED Family is in the editing and publishing phase of a brand new student mentoring program that will be out later this summer.  It will provide trainings and resources for everyone involved.  The idea is that the leadership team at a school designates a “Site Leader” who is in charge of overseeing the program.  This person receives all of the appropriate information and resources through our training modules. This Site Leader can be a parent(s) or paraeducator(s), since building leaders and teachers rarely have enough time to monitor an entire program like this. Needs to recruit people. Teachers and principals don’t have time. Site leaders can be parent, para, help with recruiting. RechargED will give ppl the framework. He went down list of retired paras & t’s. Also ppl @ district office. It was their favorite part of the week. Can also link up with businesses. 1 day/wk employees can use lunch hour to visit/mentor kids.

I’m also putting together a collaboration of education leaders who will be providing over 50 ED workshops for educators heading into the 23-24 school year.  The RechargED Family Back To School Virtual Workshops opened for registration on July 1st and the workshops opened on August 1st.  Those registered will be able to access these workshops all year long. Bringing things educators are passionate about for low cost-$10. Good businesses are endorsing & bringing out freebies. Extra food for thought. Paras also want more PD-they don’t make enough to pay for PD.

Out of everything? passionate about community. Lift in public schools is too much to do on own. Missing big piece of puzzle. Meet parents where they’re at. Lean on other community members. Share on X

Where can ppl find you online:

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/rechargedfamily

IG:  https://www.instagram.com/rechargedfamily/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/kylehillcr/

Website: https://www.rechargedfamily.com/

View this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/MVbjWnYX1LA


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