Episode #264: Bobby Pollicino

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

obby Pollicino is the Head of Upper School at Bullis School in Potomac, MD. He has served as a school administrator for over 15 years, also in dean of students and assistant principal roles. He has taught high school courses in science, leadership, and public speaking while also serving as a varsity assistant soccer coach and varsity head lacrosse coach.

Bobby’s academic leadership career is grounded in a healthy interest in leadership which has led to conferences with Stanley King Institute, Garnder, Carney Leadership Institute, and a fellowship with Leadership+Design. Bobby has presented for local and national organizations on topics including meeting culture, digital wellness and hiring practices.

A native of Upstate New York, Bobby attributes many of his life lessons to observing the work ethic and commitment of his parents and older brother. He played high school and college lacrosse, winning a National Championship at the collegiate level. He has used many leadership lessons passed on from his high school and college coaches.

When not working or studying leadership, he spends time with his wife and three children. He has coached all three in various youth sports over the years. Bobby also enjoys running and cycling as well as training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He strives to be a better husband, father, leader, and person every day. A graduate of Washington College and William and , Bobby lives with his family in Poolesville, MD.

Trench story: time teaching environ. science. Focus on moment. talked to them about understanding of environment. Kids did assignments, projects, He evaluated on grammar, spelling. He thought about writing skills. stepped back and though about how he was assessing them. Evaluate them & materials.

Talk about your book, released late December, Principled Leader: here are lessons about leadership for both your professional and personal life. As Bobby learned, two different philosophies will result in cognitive dissonance and a lack of growth in either area. This book is for current and aspiring leaders Are they racing to put out fires? He breaks fitness down to mental, spiritual and physical. Yoga, meditation, etc.

Talk about your guiding principles /core values? his are courage, integrity, discipline. Guide them in decision-making. Diff for all. Define what your core values are. Respect, demonstrating trust. listening. fitness, mental, physical, spiritual. 

Blog, other writing, conference sessions? puts out Principled Leader newsletter instead. He was on George Curus’ podcast, talked about putting out content. Wrote for “Evolving with Gratitude”. Isn’t booked anywhere right now to speak. It’s where things fall b/w working in indep. vs. public schools. Role of edu. leader thru transparency. As a leader you don’t need exterior “show”, be vulnerable. Know areas you want to get better at. Gratitude-dad served in Vietnam, brother & him did as told. Express gratitude to staff, see value them. Esp. on days that are hardest. Hasn’t blogged since book came out.. Can subscribe- newsletter, he shares principles on how to guide your work as a new leader.

Out of everything? Everyday provides us with an opportunity to grow, develop, every decision we make is a step towards who we can be or where we’re falling short. Failures are stepping stones on the path to success to get better every day. Share on X

Where can ppl find you online? https://bobbypollicino.com/ share email: [email protected] twitter, linkedIn: @bobbypollicino

View this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/EpkqRh6Z0sU



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