Episode #259: Dr. Jerod Philipps

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

Dr. Jerod Philipps, Sr. is a Principal at the elementary level in Delaware. He stepped into this role halfway through June 2021 after being the Assistant Principal at the same school since July 2018. In early February ‘23, he accepted the role of principal at his current school, David E. Robinson Elementary, Magnolia, DE. Jerod is passionate about developing positive public relations between the district, school, students, parents and the overall community.

Trench story: Leadership journey-2014-16, was a dean 2 yrs, then AP. Had some discipline and culture. Applied to 95 positions, 25 interviews just to get an AP job. Participation in Voxer chats, etc. Still has a voice mail from Salome Thomas EL-1m40s voice mail encouraging him to not give up. Ppl think his job comes easy-he got told “no” so many x’s. He takes his job very seriously. Was AP from 2016-21.

Finished Doctorate at Capella University in November 2020- focused on improving PD by improving teacher voice. Looked at what t’s were getting through districts, looked at Twitter & Voxer chats. Was already a member of certain Voxer groups. Teachers saved transcripts for him. Looked at a 10–11-week timeframe. Felt like his EdD helped him in terms of looking @ research. Different pieces of research & marry that with reality.

Work as a principal in DE? Mention Joe Jones & TJ Vari’s work. We could talk about the lack of admin self-choosing outside PD, or reading books. Personalized PD. If Jerod ever became sup, he’d want to ask about conferences ppl go to. Leaders who they follow, which ideas they implement. He doesn’t preach personalized PD to ppl-not yet @ his current school, drops nuggets of what others said @ staff mtg. Jones & Vari did a support network 2x’s month for newer leaders. Work also w/ Principal El. These online platforms can help someone feel like a problem is smaller- it helps you see outside the box. He doesn’t have a lot of original bones in his body-uses resources from everyone. He met author (and previous podcast guest) Dennis Matthew who did a virtual at his previous school.

Why and when did you start your podcast The Squad Builder podcast and what’s it’s mission? When he first became a principal-he’s different- not the typical principal. Outside the box thinker. Builds a team that doesn’t have to be micromanaged. Podcast is about reducing teacher shortage. College freshmen & soph with undeclared majors. How can educators build & strengthen our teams. He found a quote from Mark Abraham- “school leaders, don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to finding candidates”. We need to make schools more interesting to work @. He’s a family-oriented leader. He trusts if staff have a family emergency. When you’re building a team-it’s about being who you say you are.

Out of everything? We’ll all have our trenches experience- learn as much as possible, people shouldn’t know it was your trenches until much later-don’t wear it. Share on X

Where can ppl find you online? @japhilipps0722 IG @drjaphillps0722

LinkedIn or FB: Jerod Philipps Sr. Listen to Squad Builder podcast (http://tun.in/tvVBjr).

View this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/lPFvEPcmTpU



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