Alfonzo Mendoza is an Instructional Technologist & Google Innovator from South Texas, U.S.A. with 15 years of experience in education. He’s a K-12 Instructional Technologist. He has a Master’s in Educational Technology along with a graduate certificate in E-Learning and a graduate certificate in Technology Leadership in Education. He’s a servant leader and am always looking for ways to help my learning community use the power of technology.
Trenches story: Got his Master’s in 2019. Went to business school. Worked in business for 2.5 yrs. Dad became ill, had to leave that job then. Friend said they were needing math t’s nearby. Interviewed day after applied.Spent 11 the CR. When got his M.A. in 2019 became instru. tech. Mar. 13, 2020 when everyone went into lockdown, only instr. tech for 14 schools. Worked 14 hr days. Burnt out. 6 sessions/day, 5 days/week. Got everything squared away, memorable moment. Took 1 yr to recover. First yr back in brick & mortal didn’t feel like self. He feels refreshed this year. Exercises this year, eats better. He encouraged t’s to “get clicky with it”. Some veteran t’s were thriving with the tech.Renewed interest in teaching for those teachers.
Does a blog and podcast as part of My EdTech Life: (podcast started then the blog) blogs on Medium more than his website. He has it to monetize, He did a reflection episode w/ friend, his friend interviewed him. Started mid April 2020. Had in mind global GEG (global educators group)- they combined forces. Did virtual trainings. Organically changed into platform of highlighting ppl’s stories. First had guests on from his region.Reached out to ppl nationwide. He asks ppl their origin stories. t’s not all about ed tech but elevating teacher voice. Isn’t on TB podcast network. What’s your educational kryptonite, etc. Talks about ppl’s books, etc. keeps it simple. Currently 150 episodes, sometimes during a break does up to 3 episodes. He calls it a PLF not PLN (professional learning family). Will make a point to get a person in mid-week, there’s live stream on Twitter, FB, LinkedIn, YouTube. No editing. People like the authenticity. Blogging-is currently working on his doctorate so he’s honing his writing skills.
Talks about creating online training modules for his district. Started before COVID. Google educator level 1. But his spin onto those modules to fit his district. It was early in his role. District uses both google & Microsoft. First couple of cohorts had 92% success rate. Innovator project- got rejected the first time he applied. Next time-friend reached out & gave advice to connect w/ #googleei (google innovator). July 2021 got accepted to virtual google innovator academy. Only need level 1 cert. only 87 people worldwide are accepted per yr. They have trainer & coach certification.
Google innovator academies. He can explain what it is ppl have to do to make the cut. Can talk about program, advantages, networking.
Give advice for those looking into tech coach roles. He applied 5 yrs. ago but what helped was putting his work on social media. Recorded pieces of kids working, what it is your doing. show what you can do w/ resources you have. Don’t fall into impostor syndrome. Put out your work. Think outside the box. Try new things. Have fun! Come in w/ thick skin! Build the relationship, get clicky with it!
Out of everything? sShare your story. Don’t be afraid to share it. They’re waiting for you to say that one little thing! Share on X.
Find Alfonza online: ALL socials @myedTechLife with podcast episodes. View this episode on YouTube: