Episode #221: Dr. Michele Schmidt Moore

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

For over two decades Dr. Michele Schmidt Moore, host of the Design Lessons podcast, has worked as a district and school level administrator, instructional designer, coach, and teacher.  Through individual coaching sessions and workshops, Michele uses design thinking and project-based learning principles to support educators with actionable steps to become leaders and change-makers in their lives and the lives of their students.

Trenches story: she tells about 3 events that led for her to change her life. Led her to life design. Feels like 1 year in her life was a “watershed” time. Hers happened before pandemic. Worked 6am-9pm. Her dad had a health crisis. When she got there, he was lifeless, he got better though. She learned to be more cognizant of family. 2nd- her husband’s company closed so he retired. 3rd-she had a panic attack in the parking lot-therapist said she had unrealistic expectations for self. She helps clients to design the life they’re wanting to achieve. She works w/ ppl in all fields. Look at steps of design thinking.

HerLife Design Masterclass- view michelleschmidtmoore.com 30-day plan. Walks you through L.E.A.D.E.R. process. It will help you solve a daily conference. What’s the format. It can be in person or a cohort class online (6-week cohort). Offered every 2 months, like in January. Through a leader process. Vibe then a mindset. Refinement. LEADER Acronym gives you steps to walk through daily challenges. Where do you wanna be 10 years from now? designing pathway. Actually going through and designing your day. Based on design thinking. It’s based on being curious about your life. She used to supervise Eng. at a large district. Design thinking can be used outside of educational world.  What’s your passion project? Forecasts for 10 yrs out. Who do you need to be to walk in that strategy? Ppl who are reflective are open to being reflective. Be willing to step outside comfort zone.

Can talk about the session At a breakout session, she asks ppl to find out their watershed moment. Challenge that’s getting in your way every day.  “Project You: Design a Life Made for You” to take the first step in solving one of your personal or professional challenges. Don’t worry if you don’t have a challenge in mind. That’s all part of the process. You will leave with solutions to your challenge and a Project You 30 Day Action Planner free on http://www.micheleschmidtmoore.com. I can’t wait to collaborate with you. Is on “pop pd”, will be out in the winter. Go w/ inquiry ? of “How do I wake up excited throughout the day”? How do I continue to work w/out external validation?

Design Lesson Podcast-it’s convos w/ ppl about their lives and passion projects. 60% her/40% interviews. Decided to do 2 a month. It depends on the season/topic. Talks about a particular topic. Podcast came first. She thinks about authentic learning experiences. Gives concrete strategies. It was her passion project to expand her PLN. They do a bit of coaching on the podcast. Sometimes ppl in the cohort agree to have a coaching session or others who have a project to share.

 PD you offer to districts/schools? use design thinking to make a strategic plan. F.ex. to listen to stakeholders. Use the LEADER process w/ students during online learning. Some came up w/ prototypes for week, day, etc. Do divergent thinking to access multiple solutions. Works with teachers for PD, working with students.

Out of everything? Listen- we get caught up in business of living. Take this week & find out what lights you up, what brings you down. Amplify what lifts you up. Share on X

Where can ppl find you online? www.micheleschmidtmoore.com @mschidtmoore IG, Twitter, FB. Get your Project You 30-Day Action Planner

View this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_8J-q5Zn_AA



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