Episode #204: Dr. Anissa Reilly

Dana GoodierOut of the Trenches Podcast

Dr. Anissa Reilly is a success story. She received her doctorate in spite of suffering from Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from issues like those she discusses on the show. She has embraced the “Wounded Healer” archetype as described by psychologist Carl Jung. As a result, her soon-to-be-released book, “The Wounded Healer: Turning Life’s Messes into Messages of Hope-From Violence to Victory” is bound to be a best seller. 

Trench story: will share around transition to becoming a principal. She realized the importance of leadership when she was a t, and an interim principal came in. She had high ambitions. Ppl were intentionally pushing rocks down mountains. They were intentionally trying to knock down. Dismantled what leadership was for her. Ppl assassinated her character. Online image is important. Became a career scar, put her into a state of depression. Had always been a go-getter.  Didn’t realize how 1) political it is 2) everyone isn’t interested in creating viable learning environment for students. 3) norms that are there, when you come to disrupt change, ppl are apt to complain. This turned into character assistant. Was still a principal a few weeks at the beginning of the 22/23 SY. Has been in administration for 16 ½ years. Will now launch FT educational consulting. Has done consulting for past 2-3 year. A mentor came into her life who helped her have a paradigm shift. Helped her see blind spots. She really recommends it. 

She has transitioned to FT consulting because of this trench- it helps support leaders. Gives people the opportunity to come into leadership. She shares her story. 

Dr. Reilly ministries: Has a lot of faith-based ministries she speaks at Biblical conferences. Tells her story loud & clear. Can also add value to the company. Boosts morale. Wants to pay it forward. Her pastor saw some qualities in her be began to cultivate. She refers to King David. She knew speaking was something she had been meant to do.

Has Ask Dr. Reilly show, how it came about? She has a YouTube show (Ask Dr. Reilly – YouTube). Her Biblical perspective is “what we go through is not by ourselves”. Her trauma experience is like Job in the Bible. She hasn’t gotten addicted, etc. Prayed about what she can do w/ trauma. It came about during the pandemic. Every guest is a manifestor of good things thru their trauma. Manifested into something beautiful. 

Upcoming events (fall-winter): Her calendar is in flux. Solidifying. Go to her website for events that are coming up.  

Out of everything…Uses “The Man in the Arena” quote Although you may be in trauma, you can be triumphant in the midst of it. It doesn’t have to deter you or steal your joy! Click To Tweet

Fnd Dr. Reilly online:  www.askdrreilly.com [email protected] for educational inquiries. Leadership development w/ schools. Ministry [email protected] She has traveled down many diff. roads she has traveled down many paths, will @askdrreilly on FB, IG, Twitter. Find this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YO1XNS5xhvE


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