Episode 122: In AWE of Lacy Warren–Leading Ladies Series

Sarah JohnsonIn Awe Podcast

Be inspired by Lacy Warren's journey into leadership, her insights as a woman in leadership, and her joy for being a high school principal! #InAWEtoRISE Share on X

Lacy Warren is a wife, mom, a high school principal, doctoral student and runner.   She has been a principal for six years, mostly at the high school level but spent a year partying with preschoolers. Lacy enjoys being outdoors, playing golf, watching the Chiefs, Royals, and KU basketball.  In her free time….well she doesn’t really have much but she enjoys prioritizing hanging out with friends and family.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Lacy’s experiences leading in schools as a principal, the challenges of being a principal during the pandemic and switching jobs during it, and her insights into meeting the challenges of leading and balancing life with a spouse and small children.
  • She shares about how her passion her journey into titled leadership, and her focus for her doctoral studies, and
  • we get to learn about her focus on self-awareness and the power it has had in helping her come through personal and professional challenges.

I loved this conversation with my incredible friend, and I know you are going to appreciate her candor, vulnerability, and the insights she will provide. Throughout this conversation, I marveled at what a person can lead through in a year, and the beauty in Lacy’s story as well as how she will no doubt use her personal experiences and her studies to impact in ways I bet she would never even ask or imagine right now. I am so excited to share this interview with you. What an honor to share with you Lacy Warren’s Leading Lady story.

Connect with Lacy:

Lacy on Twitter

Lacy’s Email: [email protected]


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