Episode 1 – How to Start the Next 6 Months of Your School Year Off with a Bang

Jeanette MihalchikHappy Music Teacher

The New Year is not really the New Year for us music teachers.  We are about smack dab in the middle of our school year.  That being said, it feels a little like you should set some new goals and maybe re-think some of what’s happening in your music classroom.  In this episode, I’m giving you five steps to help you start the second half of your year off right. 

  1. Get back into the routine with a fluffy lesson.
  2. Review your procedures and transitions – inside of an actual lesson if you can. 
  3. Revamp and change the things that aren’t working – transitions, lessons, whatever. 
  4. Review your seating chart and make changes if needed. 
  5. Make a plan for the rest of the school year. 

Today’s tip: Teach a rest position for when your students are using instruments but not playing them so they can listen to your instruction. 


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The New Year isn't really the new year for us music teachers. Join The Happy Music Teacher to find out 5 steps to take to start your new year off with a bang. Share on X