Design Cast – Episode #96 – Ryan Ford – The ‘Design Odyssey’ Framework

Jason ReaginDesign Cast Podcast

On this episode of Design Cast, I had the terrific honor of speaking to Ryan Ford.  Ryan is a 25-year veteran of digital design. He has been fortunate enough to lead design at some of the internet’s most interesting destinations: DeviantArt, Crunchyroll, chime, vida health, and now Crackle & Redbox (where he is working to revitalize these brands).

His background in the industry motivated him to share thinking around topics like leadership, career paths, and (most notably of late) the design process itself. Ryan’s “Design Odyssey” framework topic has been read over 80,000 times as of December 2022 and has led to big reactions: global outreach from educators who want to teach it in their classes, book opportunities, and a TEDx Salon conversation that occurred in early January 2023.

We had a wonderful discussion and I am sure that you will find some value in many of the topics that we cover.  Now let us set fire to the design process and use Design Cast as a catalyst!  Enjoy!

Connect with Ryan:

Ryan Ford – Set Fire to Design Process—Throwing away unrealistic frameworks and moving forward (

Twitter: @theryanford




#DesignCast 96 is out! Join me & @TheRyanFord as we chat about design & the #designodyssey framework! Share on X


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