Design Cast – Episode #67 – Jon Halligan – CP Guru (part 1 of 2)

Jason ReaginDesign Cast Podcast

For this episode of Design Cast I had a great follow-up chat with Jon Halligan.  Jon was a guest on episode 26 of this podcast.  This was a chance for me to catch up with Jon and to hear about all the great work he is doing in Switzerland.  This is the first of a two-part episode as we had so much to talk about that it was best to break it up into two sections!  Next week you will be able to hear the conclusion of this awesome chat!

Now sit back, relax and enjoy this chat with Jon Halligan.

You can connect with Jon on LinkedIn and Twitter!

@jon_halligan @Montreuxis on Twitter & “VIE education” on LinkedIn

Links to Jon’s projects:


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