GUEST POST – Tiffany Ott Gifted Intervention Specialist – Cleveland, OH. Watch out guys I might be getting on a soap box here. I am about as much of an ed-tech junkie as you would find in any school around the country. I use technology in my classroom everyday and encourage (nag?) others to do so as well. But (and … Read More
Technology Is a Tool in Your Classroom, NOT the Answer
You’ve finally got that requested tech…now what? So you’re school just got 1:1 tech, or you just got your request for iPads granted on an online funding site you signed up for (congrats! that’s awesome!) Now what? For a lot of teachers that I talk with, it seems like they think
3 Ways Using Links in Google Docs Can Help in Your Classroom
What are Links? Just a quick refresher: links (or hyperlinks) are data that a user can directly follow either by clicking, tapping, or hovering. In other words, links use web addresses to make words or parts of documents connect to other content on the web. For example: This Link takes you to get a FREE copy of my ebook. (Yes, I am … Read More
Our Top 5 Formative Assessment Tools
Formative assessment is probably one of the most important pieces of good instruction. It allows you to know where you’re students are, which ones need extra help and which ones can work ahead or need an extension. Without formative assessment you are instructing for yourself and not the learners, because if you don’t know where they are, you can’t possibly get … Read More
How the First Five Minutes Can Save Your Lesson Plan
There are a lot of factors that go into the success or failure of any lesson plan. Your students, activities, management, planning, formative assessment, available resources, and probably 1,000 more things I’m not thinking of at the moment. One thing has helped me improve the success rate of my lessons is the first 5 minutes. I have created a simple … Read More