“Hey Teacher!” You’ve probably been there before. A student, frustrated with their hand in the air decides it’s all of a sudden ok to yell across the room “Hey Teacher!” (they might use your name, but you get the point). There’s a good chance this isn’t a rare occurrence in your classroom. You’re awesome, so you probably manage your classroom well … Read More
In Your Classroom, Your Excuses Are Invalid.
This Might Get Ugly… I’m going to start by fully understanding the vulgar gestures you may want to make towards your computer screen or the nasty emails you might write to me after reading this, but I think it needs to be said. But I believe that, by the end of this, you will at least partially agree. First, let me admit. … Read More
How to Balance Work and Life as a Teacher
I know it’s hard. Being a teacher is probably one of the most demanding jobs that exists in terms of the commitment, passion, and dedication that it requires. In some jobs, you put your time in, go home and relax, and forget about the challenges of the day, that customer that complained, that client who was unhappy, or possibly that … Read More
3 Things Principals Should Know When They Are In Your Classroom.
That moment when… It’s last period, you’re fighting off a cold, and you had a late night dealing with who knows what, so your lesson isn’t as polished as you would like it to be. All of a sudden, you see your door creep open and your principal walks in. As you look around your room, you quickly assess the engagement … Read More
3 Ways To Make This School Year GREAT!
Ok…as you lay awake, wide-eyed and nervous as the first part of the school year is in full swing, I want you to know something: It’s all going to be fine! Try to ignore that weird dream you have about waking up late and realizing you have NO PLAN (yeah…bet you didn’t know we all have that dream). Instead of focusing on all … Read More