Hey Teachers, We’re Doing It Wrong

Teach Better TeamBlog, Innovate Better, Start Here, Survival

Education in the united states is failing because we're doing it wrong.

Education in the United States is failing. This is something we hear on the news, in politics, and from people we know. In response, significant energy is spent by teachers and friends of teachers trying to convince the world that education is not actually failing. Students lives are complicated. Poverty runs rampant. Parents are unsupportive. Administrators are too controlling. Government sticks … Read More

3 Ways To Reset Your Classroom

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Manage Better, Start Here, Survival

3 Ways To Reset Your Classroom

Now is the perfect time to reset your classroom! Whether it’s the start of a new year, you’re coming back from an extended break, or maybe you just need to find a way to take back control of the 4 walls of your classroom, there are multiple ways you can “reset” your classroom and start to take back your sanity, … Read More

1 Simple Way to Motivate Students

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better, Survival

1 Simple Way to Motivate Students in Your Classroom

Motivating students is probably one of the hardest things we do as teachers. Delivering content is meaningless without a student motivated to learn and apply it. During our workshops this is one of the most common topics that come up. While this is usually in the context of Mastery Learning the general advice I give us universally applicable to any instructional model. … Read More

5 Ways To Waste Your Summer Break

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better, Start Here, Survival

5 Ways Teachers Can Waste Summer Break

Ok, I know it’s the end of the year and all you can think about is sleeping in, maybe getting your feet in the sand, and finally having a little time to relax and eat a meal without having to complete it in under 10 minutes as you grade stacks of papers or help a student in your classroom. As teachers … Read More

3 Ways a Mentor can Save Your Teaching Career

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Start Here, Survival

When I first started my teaching career, I thought I knew basically everything. I rarely asked questions, and I assumed that the new theories, practices, and techniques I had completed during my master’s degree would be more than enough to keep me on the path to pure awesomeness. I actually did know a few things, but I found out very quickly that … Read More