#SmallBites episode 37 explains the pitfalls of the halo effect. If you’ve ever been guilty of pretty prejudice or giving the student you like a slight edge, you’ve experienced the halo effect. If you thought Obama could do no wrong and Trump could do no right, or vice versa, that’s the halo effect. So how do you get around it? … Read More
SmallBites Lagniappe: Humanity
This episode is a reminder that all the isms, phobes and phobia accusations cannot win over supporters. Are you ready to do the best for your campus? You can. Do you want to do better for your classroom? You can. If you want to change your community, remember the one thing that connects us all, humanity. As we do our … Read More
E35 Civil Disagreement in the Classroom Pt. 2
This episode dives into the connection of communication and civics standards to every K-12 grade level and content area. We can’t be afraid to teach respect, empathy and citizenship because we might get push back. Good citizenship is based on humanity and respect. Behaviors that do not exemplify those tenets can be discussed so that our students can be better. … Read More
SmallBites E34: Civil DIsagreement in the Classroom
As educators, teaching the next generation of citizens is a big part of what we do. We give students mottos and mission statement like be ready, responsible and respectful. We give schools mottos like Pro Scientia Atque Sapientia (for knowledge and wisdom). We have vision statements like Empowering all Students, Celebrating our Community, Inspiring Lifelong Growth. We give them those … Read More
SmallBites Lagniappe: The Impeachment Trial Is Coming!
How will you keep your ideologically mixed classes from emotional arguments grounded in hearsay and conjecture? This prequel to Friday’s episode will give you an overview. MORE EPISODES