It’s The Age Old Debate. Depending on which camp you belong to, you are either starting to get fired up about students needing practice at home, OR you are thinking “down with homework!” To be honest, I see the merit of both arguments and there is a lot of research out there that supports practice and also says additional work … Read More
Why PBL’s Fail, And What You Can Do About It.
The Power and Pitfalls of PBL’s Alright, lets just get this part out of the way first: I realize there are drastic differences between project based learning and problem based learning experiences, but for the purpose of this post I am going to hybridize the two concepts because the content of what you are about to read is relevant for … Read More
Technology Is a Tool in Your Classroom, NOT the Answer
You’ve finally got that requested tech…now what? So you’re school just got 1:1 tech, or you just got your request for iPads granted on an online funding site you signed up for (congrats! that’s awesome!) Now what? For a lot of teachers that I talk with, it seems like they think
Teacher Evaluations and Why They Don’t Matter in Your Classroom
Is your classroom evaluation the “Greatest Show On Earth?” While working with many schools and districts I often discuss the evaluation process with both principals and their administration, as well as their teachers. It’s always a somewhat touchy subject, but I’ve never been able to figure out why. Why the current system is lacking. While I fully understand that you … Read More
3 Ways Using Links in Google Docs Can Help in Your Classroom
What are Links? Just a quick refresher: links (or hyperlinks) are data that a user can directly follow either by clicking, tapping, or hovering. In other words, links use web addresses to make words or parts of documents connect to other content on the web. For example: This Link takes you to get a FREE copy of my ebook. (Yes, I am … Read More