Stop Teaching to The Middle

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better

A Broken System. This is something that I’ve heard a lot of college professors utter when talking about lesson planning or unit design: “teach to the middle.” This idea makes sense in a more traditional lecture based instructional model, but fails to meet the needs of the modern student. This also only makes sense if we want to continue destroying … Read More

Stop Hoping For Better Students and Focus on Better Teaching In Your Classroom

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better

focus on better teaching in your classroom

Quit Complaining About “These Kids.” Seriously, stop it. We spend a lot of our days visiting districts, observing classrooms, and talking with teachers, and I’m starting to hear something more often than I should. I keep hearing teachers say things a long the lines of: “This would work, but ‘these kids’ can’t do it…next year will be better.” I’ve had … Read More

3 Things I learned from Teaching in A Fishbowl.

Chad OstrowskiInnovate Better, Manage Better

Your Classroom Teaching in a Fishbowl

In case you don’t know what the term means (you probably do) teaching in a fishbowl is when your classroom is being observed by other professionals, administrators, colleagues, and stakeholders constantly. Essentially it means that your teaching is always on display. Now, I know you are thinking, “I would hate that!” but I assure you it has its benefits. When I … Read More

“Hey Teacher!” Why you should never hear that again.

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better, The Method

classroom management triage system

“Hey Teacher!” You’ve probably been there before. A student, frustrated with their hand in the air decides it’s all of a sudden ok to yell across the room “Hey Teacher!” (they might use your name, but you get the point). There’s a good chance this isn’t a rare occurrence in your classroom. You’re awesome, so you probably manage your classroom well … Read More

Let Your Students FAIL

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better

The Cycle of Failure: We’ve all been in the situation with that “difficult” student in our classroom, where they shut down, let out a sigh of discontent, and throw an assignment aside while saying something like “I’m not doing this!” I know this can be frustrating as an educator, but I want you to think about something other than trying