Let’s Start Now to Finish BETTER!

Brad HughesBlog, Engage Better


  • “Start Now to Finish Better: Intentional Shifts to End the Year Strong” is a new course in the Teach Better Academy!
  • This course will help you have a meaningful end to your school year.
  • Stay motivated and energized while connecting with your students to end the year strong.

Finish Your Year Strong

The end of any school year brings tremendous excitement! There are so many opportunities to reflect, grow community, and celebrate. It also brings unique stresses and demands. How can we keep our eye on the day-to-day learning and social-emotional needs while navigating testing, class and school transitions, and any number of special events?

Together we can keep the focus on caring and connecting through the learning - right up until the dismissal bell rings on that last day of school! Share on X

That’s where “Start Now to Finish BETTER” comes in!

Rae Hughart and I designed this new course with a number of intentional shifts in mind so educators and school leaders can end the year STRONG—building towards a finale that is meaningful, memorable, and accessible to all.

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With our video modules, you’ll have anytime, anywhere access to the learning! With our practical strategies, reflective challenges, and planning templates, you’ll learn to:

  • look back on accomplishments to move forward with focus and excitement
  • leverage personal connections through engaging learning and service opportunities
  • plan ceremonies and celebrations that honor both individual achievement and community accomplishments
  • anticipate and mitigate end of year stresses and struggles
  • monitor and manage your energy
  • activate partnership and shared responsibility
  • support the community through stresses and challenges

Join us in the Teach Better Academy for “Start Now to Finish BETTER: Intentional Shifts to End the Year Strong.” Together we can keep the focus on caring and connecting through the learning—right up until the dismissal bell rings on that last day of school!

About Brad Hughes

Brad is an elementary school principal in Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada, with over 25 years of experience in education.

Before becoming a school leader, Brad taught for 16 years in classrooms from Kindergarten to eighth grade, most recently teaching middle school Visual Arts, French and Special Education.
Brad is a certified Self-Reg School Champion and has an ongoing commitment to reframing the joys and challenges of school life through a Self-Reg lens.

Brad is passionate about connecting with kids and dedicated to loving and supporting the adults that serve them.

In addition to his role as Training and Development Specialist with the Teach Better Team, Brad is a facilitator for the Teach Better Administrator Mastermind, author of the Better News blog series, and host of The Good News, Brad News Podcast on the Teach Better Podcast Network.
You can also catch Brad with Rae Hughart every Friday morning at 7ET/6CT on the Teach Better Daily Drop In morning show.