7 Days To A Better Break – Day 6

Chad OstrowskiBlog

6 Ways To Reduce Classroom Management Issues

(actually, we’re giving you 7)

Classroom management is something every teacher thinks about during a break. When you step back in the classroom after a few days (or weeks) off, it’s always a good idea to reset and review management structures and routines with your learners.

A well-managed classroom is a productive one. I’ve got a confession to make, though…I lied. This is day 6, but we’re giving you 7 ways to reduce classroom management issues.

The first link below covers 4 ways to lessen discipline problems in your classroom, and the second link will give you 3 ways to remove fear from your classroom which ALWAYS reduces problems that can occur.

We can’t wait to hear how applying some of these concepts helps you so please click…and enjoy!

4 Ways To Lessen Discipline In Your Classroom  (click to view)

There are still 1 awesome day of resources to come so keep an eye out for 7 Things That Could Save Your Teaching Career.