Positive Culture or Resilient School Culture? – School Administrator Mastermind

Joshua StamperAdministrator Mastermind Recaps, Blog, Lead Better

Admin Mastermind Recap, Joshua Stamoer, katie Miglin, Positive Culture, Resiliency

In this engaging Admin Mastermind session, Joshua Stamper and Katie Miglin explore the power of fostering a positive and resilient culture within school campuses. Our conversation kicked off with a fun hypothetical: ‘If you could add one quirky tradition or ritual to your school’s culture, what would it be?’ The responses were both creative and insightful, ranging from ‘being another teacher for a day’ to ‘following a student’s schedule.’

We also delved into the dynamics of school culture, with participants rating their positivity levels on a scale of 1 to 5 and discussing the role of leadership in shaping culture. Strategies for addressing negative attitudes or behaviors were shared, including creating consistency and fostering open communication channels.

Furthermore, success stories and initiatives that transformed negative cultures into positive ones were highlighted, such as the implementation of a ‘sunshine committee’ and school-wide games/activities. Overall, the session offered valuable insights and practical tips for cultivating a vibrant and uplifting school culture. We can’t wait for next weeks Admin Mastermind!