Mrs. Brandi Kelly has been in the field of education for over 20 years. She has recently assumed the role of Superintendent at Mt. Olive CUSD #5 in Mt. Olive, IL. Mrs. Kelly has served as a Principal previously, over a 10 year period, in three districts: Ramsey School District (Pre-K-8), Mt. Zion School District (Pre-K-1), and Sangamon Valley Middle School (6-8). Prior to going into administration, Mrs. Kelly was a school social worker/counselor for Effingham Unit #40 in Effingham, IL.
Mrs. Kelly’s goal is to build teacher and student capacity by providing tools and strategies that empower and inspire others toward greatness! As a life long learner, Mrs. Kelly believes that everyone can learn and has the potential for greatness. Relationships are incredibly important to the learning process. It is necessary for educators to invest time in students to build relationships in an effort to maximize their influence and impact. Education is a powerful tool for empowering others to realize their full potential!
She just moved from a principal to a district sup. role. Is LCSW, worked alongside teaching. Heart is for students. Her brother was undiagnosed ADHD.
Trench story: When she sends the google site will have a lot of info about her & her why. She was catapulted into her career path. When she was 15, on mother’s day wk.end her family experienced tragedy. Brother Dustinwas w/ him at the age of 13, he was a daredevil. Her brother Brandon died that day. They found him the day after mother’s day. Dustin was able to pull himself out of the muddy creek. “The bumps are what we climb on”. We can take adversities and learn from. The educators in her small town community have given alot to help learn from. It’s helped her in her career. Her faith tells her God has a plan/purpose for our lives.
Teach Better guest blogging: She wrote a 4 part series TB blog “Lead with Hope”.Can discuss the series she did, and any upcoming blogs. It’s about connection w/ why, optimism, passion, purpose and excellence. Is in the process of getting a doctorate.
Team dissertation on building systems that foster collective efficacy in schools. Will turn in May 2023. How do you use a system to foster it? Did a survey w/ principals. Single most significant important factor according to Haddie. Was able to work w/ Haddie, Jim Donahugh, Steven Catts. Accd. to Haddie’s visible learning research they’ve compiled systems. She is working with 2 others on her dissertation team.
Talk to me about your “Lead with Hope” presentation you give at your staff? When she was principal at the MS, thought it was important for t’s to connect with their why. Helped them find their why. Changing/growing are synonymous terms.
she wanted to look at macro system so she went into admin. More of an SEL teacher than academic lessons. When she started her superintendent, ISBE awarded them a community partnership grant. She’s excited about openness to educators on a more foundational basis. Being open to exploring things & taking risks. SIU medicine- will do a needs assessment for sudents grades 6-12. Will implement a screener. Supports are varied, the most imp thing is relationships. Many indiv. are craving human connection.
Win Time book study, is this something you facilitate on a regular basis? Came across when at MS. Find time to provide st’s what they need. They were able to provide SEL, literacy, other interventions in small groups. She loves trying something new. Was a successful venture.
Out of everything…would be that We’re all leaders. We have a choice to tear down or build up. Can’t control what happens to us, but can control how we react. Every moment is an active choice! Share on X
Where can ppl find you online? @jbmrkelly Twitter, LinkedIn, FB for Mt. Olives School Distrct.Email: [email protected]
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